Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cool word tricks

This one is pretty strange. Just look at the words below. Doesn't make any sense, does it? Now sit back and try to read the text. The text will explain itself.
First and last only matter

What do you read here? Most people will read evil, but some will see the good in life at the first time.

 When you don't see the womans reflection in the mirror, you'll read hate. But when you see her reflection, you'll see her true self.

Read the text in the triangle below out lout.

I am sure you read it as "i love pairs in the spring time" But the correct sentence is   i love Paris in the the spring time ("the" comes twice) read it again.

When looking at the following illusion, you'll probably read the word Life. But when you look closer, you'll see the characters are pretty messed up.

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